Thursday, June 19, 2014

The 12 Embodied Practices of the Yogic and Mindful Self (Cook-Cottone, 2014)

The 12 Embodied Practices of the Yogic and Mindful Self 
Cook-Cottone, 2014   

These are the 12 practices detailed in my forthcoming book, "Mindfulness and Yoga for Self-Regulation: A  Primer for Mental Health Professionals." I have compiled all of the practices detailed in no less than 30 books. These- are- the- things- if you do these 12 things- you will experience attunement and contentment. I have the word of many mindful and yogic scholars and practitioners as well as a bunch of  established and emerging research. I am so excited about this list. If you'd like to re-print please cite. The book should be out 2015. 

Practice 1: Be Mindfully Aware

Practice 2: Honor Your Breath and Physical Experience

Practice 3: Live in Inquiry

Practice 4: Accept Impermanence

Practice 5: Cultivate Non-attachment 

Practice 6: Discern What is Not Self

Practice 7: Allow What Is with Non-judgement

Practice 8: Prioritize Self-Care

Practice 9: Be of Your Values

Practice 10:  Observe Compassion for Self and Others

Practice 11: Maintain Equanimity

Practice 12: Cultivate Joy and Loving Kindness

Figure 2.1 Twelve Embodied Practices of the Yogic and Mindful Self

To Cite words and image:

Cook-Cottone, C. P. (in press). Mindfulness and Yoga for Self-Regulation: A Primer for Mental Health Professionals. New York, NY: Springer. 

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