Monday, September 15, 2014

108 Days of Meditation to the New Year- Guidelines

Here are the guidelines 108 Days of Meditation to the New Year:

          1. In the next 108 days you commit to meditating for 5 minutes or more a day (9/14/14).

          2. You can meditate in ANY WAY (e.g., sitting, walking, etc…)

          3. If you miss a day- (a) add a minute(s) to days for the rest of the week or (b) do a secret act of kindness for someone else. It will get your karma back. Rules are- you can’t tell anyone you did it- it is a secret act of kindness- solely for the good of it.

I am excited! I will send updates etc.. on Facebook. Also, will post on my blog The Yoga Bag and on the Facebook group page Meditation in the Bag.

Last, we are working on a workshop that includes cool things like yoga and mala beads….I will keep you posted!

Happy mindfulness!

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