I am both a yogi and a runner.
In fact, I have been running since 8th grade
(which works out to about 36 years). I have run cross-country, track,
triathlons, marathons, half marathons, 5ks, and the famous Boiler Maker in
Utica, NY. I have run in cities all over the United States, in the winter, summer,
fall, and spring. I am a life-long runner.
My yoga practice began in a more serious manner in 2001 and
is much younger than my running. When I started doing yoga, I learned about
non-judgment. I also saw non-judgment practiced and modeled among my teachers, by the yogis that I met in my travels to trainings, and in the studios I attended.
Lately, something has shifted in yoga. Online, in conversations,
on blogs, all over--there seems to be a growing need to judge other yogis.
I truly love that there are variations of yoga and my yogi
friends across a variety of practices. I have done Hatha, Vinyasa, Bikram,
Power Yoga, Ashtanga, Acro, TIMBo, and many more types of yoga. I have taken
classes with Ana Forrest, Baron Baptiste, Seane Corn, and studied at the
Himalayan Institute and Kripalu. Each variation has its own beauty, wisdom, and
focus. I have experienced this as openness. The more ways I learn to practice- well,
it is like learning more ways to love.
I wish we could let the judgment go. I am not sure how it
serves us.
All these decades that I have been running, fellow runners
ask about your running history and your goals. You might say, “I am training
for a full triathlon” or “I do 5ks” or “I do half marathons” or “I jog with
friends and do walk/run a lot” or something else like that. Nearly universally, the other runners honor the efforts of
their sister or brother runner. We are glad you get out there, take care of
your body, and share the love of the run.
As I was running this morning, I was reflecting on how as a
yogi I am always telling runners how much they could learn from yoga, how yoga
can help them, and all that. It was then that I thought about this judgment-thing
that has manifest among some yogis. I realized that perhaps we, the yogis, could
learn something from runners.
Like runners, we could honor our fellow yogis for
their spiritual journey; however like or not like ours it is, no matter how many limbs
are integrated, and how Western or Eastern, or reflective or active.
runners, we could just honor the practice, the importance of the individual,
self-directed journey, and be in non-judgment.
So, here it goes. This is a shout out to my running friends and to my fellow
yogis- all types of runners and all kinds of yogis:
I love you and I honor your practice.
Runners, I know what it takes to lace up the running shoes
and get your feet on the road.
Yogis, I know what it takes to get your body on your mat.
I honor your effort.
I honor your self-love.
From a place of openhearted acceptance and non-judgment, I
say- however you shine- keep shining!
See you on the roads, trails, or yoga mat soon. I look forward to sharing a knowing nod, a smile, and a sense of camaraderie as we honor each other for our efforts to be on our journey.
Catherine Cook-Cottone
The Yoga Bag
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